“As an executive for an American company working in South America to develop an artisan industry, I was beset
by stubborn implementation issues, cross-cultural
misunderstandings, and pressures for delivery from the
home office. John’s coaching helped me unravel the issues,
work across barriers of race and class, develop a learning
plan, and stick with it. I learned how to better manage my
boss. Eventually I left the company, but when I did, it was
with a clear direction that I have found very fulfilling.”
Oriana Nolan, Quito, Ecuador
"The structure and philosophy of BGI's executive coaching program is superb. I developed my systems awareness, learned how to inspire others with my vision, and got the help I needed in sorting through complex decisions. I also made substantial progress in my efforts to be more authentic in the workplace, which has increased my job satisfaction in a big way. I don't think anyone could bring a deeper understanding of the independent school culture to
the challenges of executive coaching in this arena."
Senior Administrator at ISAS accredited Independent School
"John is a beloved mentor, a genius for program
development, astute understandings of budget realities, brilliant at appropriate technology, and understands the issues of non-profit management. If I were to go on a sabbatical, he's the one I'd want replacing me."
Judy Goldberg, Executive Director, Youth Media Project
“John has that rare combination of being able to envision a better future, coupled with the analytic capacity to create detailed implementation plans. His entrepreneurship is informed by deep experience with personnel, policies, and fiscal management. In the project we were working on, the result was an increase in assets of 3.4 million dollars within 48 months.”
Juan Torres, Finance Director, New Mexico Economic Development Department
“As vice president of finance and operations for an international college, I worked with John to envision, plan and implement an important new initiative, which continues to thrive and grow today. The wealth and diversity of his work experience, together with capacity to understand needs, is amazing.”
Alex Kalangis, Vice President United World College USA